Thanks for downloading my monthly planner! I am so excited that you will be adventuring on a journey to learn new skills. Even more, I am glad to help you learn your new skills.

The ​SkillUp​ method I created, tested, and used is the quintessential way to learn skills efficiently and effectively. And, it’s fun!

A bit about me.

My name is Danny and I am a polymath. That means I love to learn and am good at several skills including: game development, coding, project management, programming, writing, photography and more. I love to travel and pub food!

Ok, enough about me, let’s focus on you. Why do you want to try out this monthly planner?

Because you want to learn new skills. Regardless of professional or personal growth, skills are THE way to improve.

The ​SkillUp​ Method is a way to effectively learn new skills. It’s the result of extensive personal usage and data collected from the late SkillUp​ your Life program.

Time and again, we’ve seen people go from zero to pretty good in fewer than 20 hours of practice. In the past 2 years, I have learned over 60 valuable (and fun) skills that have impacted every area of his life, including love, health, wealth and happiness.

This monthly planner contains the roadmap to the SkillUp​ Method, which includes:

a) Metalearning b) Goal setting c) Creating an action plan d) Measuring results

The first section explains the theory, the second section is the workbook, and the third section are the examples, should you need them.

My hope is that the steps I outline in this monthly planner will help you reach your goal. Remember, you are not alone. Our ​SkillUp Academy community is ready to help you learn your skills and provide support.

Finally, remember that this is a journey; not a sprint. Be patient with yourself and keep in mind the reasons behind wanting to learn new skills.

Good luck!